Yoga For Cosntipation and Loose Motions Simultaneously

by Anand

When I take medicine for loose motions it leads to constipation and there after medicine taken for constipation leads to loose motions. What exercise or medicine is recommended in my case?


Hello Anand

Follow the various guidelines and do the asanas provided on
yoga for constipation.

Strictly follow the yogic diet and you will feel better. Drink one or two teaspoon of Trifala with milk or warm water before sleeping.

Include more of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fiber rich diet.

Avoid fast food, tea and coffee. Avoid all kinds of processed food items.

Hope this helps.

With warm regards

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Sep 27, 2011
alterations in your basic sequence
by: azim

Dear Daljitji,
I appreciate the value of yoga in restoring a healthy body. I want to benefit from yoga.I felt your basic sequence is a good starting point. I have been detected with hypertension and IBS. Would suggest some changes in the basic sequence.
Currently I am following your basic sequnce and really gives me lots of energy and strength.
Please suggest.
age 33yrs

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