Have you tried yoga for constipation cure? Constipation is most common digestive problems which is a by product of modern dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle. When the waste matter stays for more time in the colon, toxins and fluids are absorbed in the colon and the fecal matter becomes hard. In this condition, bowel movement is irregular, painful or bowels are not emptied completely when it moves. When we sleep our body keeps working to eliminate waste products from our body. Early dinner coupled with stress free sleep of 7 to 8 hours will help our body in proper elimination of these waste products.
Have you tried yoga for constipation cure? Constipation is most common digestive problems which is a by product of modern dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle. When the waste matter stays for more time in the colon, toxins and fluids are absorbed in the colon and the fecal matter becomes hard. In this condition, bowel movement is irregular, painful or bowels are not emptied completely when it moves. When we sleep our body keeps working to eliminate waste products from our body. Early dinner coupled with stress free sleep of 7 to 8 hours will help our body in proper elimination of these waste products.
Main causes are wrong diet and unhealthy lifestyle i.e, lack of dietary fiber, insufficient water intake, excessive tea/ coffee drinking, frequent use of laxatives, weakness of abdominal muscles due to sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, emotional stress and strain, frequent traveling and pregnancy. Certain medical conditions or medications may also contribute to your constipation. Sometimes, delaying the natural urge to pass stools can also lead to constipation.
Most of the persons suffering from constipation have mild symptoms which are not attributed to any digestive system abnormality or systemic disease. Simple constipation can get cured by healthy eating, taking proper sleep and yoga. Yoga practice can provide an effective remedy for constipation. Yoga will be more effective if it is supplemented with healthy eating and lifestyle changes. You can also start yoga for constipation in addition to other methods of treatment you are following. The benefit of yoga is you get the cure naturally and gradually you can get rid of any medication or laxatives.
It must be remembered that effect of a given asana is not limited to treating a particular disease. Therefore choose a yoga sequence of asanas which you are comfortable and can practice regularly. The Yoga for constipation poses listed here exercises the abdominal organs and restores their normal function. The muscles of large intestine also becomes stronger and helps in easy waste elimination.
Simple Poses For Constipation Cure. Surya Namaskara(Sun Salutation Pose), Tada Asana, Trikonasana, Pawanamuktasana, Bhujanghasana (Cobra Pose), Shalabhasana (Locust Pose), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), Yoga Mudra, Paschimotanasana (Head to Knee Pose), Vajrasana(Diamond Pose)
Advanced Poses For Constipation Cure. Sarvanghasana (Shoulder Stand), Halasana (Plough Pose), Mayurasana (Peacock Pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist)
Yoga breathing exercises help stimulate bowel action. If you suffer from high blood pressure do not attempt bhastrika and kapalabhati pranayama. Agnisaar Pranayama(Abdominal Lifts) are an excellent exercise for getting relief from chronic constipation and indigestion. It also strengthens flabby abdominal muscles.
Effective pranayama for constipation cure are Alom Vilom, Agnisaar, Bhastrika and Kapalabhati.
For constipation relief, Uddiyana Bandha and Mulabandha, done early in the morning are most effective.
If you are doing yoga for constipation, diet control and lifestyle change are a must which will add up to the benefits of yoga for curing constipation. You can benefit by using some or all of the tips/ natural remedies listed below:
Yoga for constipation will be more effective if you can eat a simple diet.
An exclusive fruit diet for 7 days would be the best bet for treatment. After the fruit diet, have a balanced diet consisting mostly of raw foods, fresh fruits and whole grain cereals.
My preferred food for constipation. To avoid constipation, I will like to get most of my nutrition from fruits, salads and vegetables. Some of these are Apple, Cucumber, Grapes, Lemon, tomatoes, Guava, Papaya and green leafy vegetables.
Avoid starch consumption, spices, fats, excessive salt, white flour, rice, bread, pulses, cakes, pastries, biscuits, cheese, and white sugar.
Caution. For chronic constipation consult your doctor to rule out any other associated medical problem. Thereafter, start yoga for constipation in consultation with a yoga expert. For treatment of constipation at home, webmd.com provides some useful tips.
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