Health Benefits of Yoga

by Dr Gayatri Bhat

Personally I used to do a little bit of yoga before I joined up for Daljit's classes. I realised what I had been doing up until now was not enough and not the right method. With the present classes I feel my body stiffness has reduced and cramps that I used to get as a result of peripheral neuropathy have also reduced considerably. Also the neti, vaman therapy has been of great help.

All in all its a win win situation doing yoga under the guidance of such a wonderful teacher.

Thank You Daljit

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Feb 07, 2016
Thank You Dr Gayatri Bhat
by: Daljit

Thanks for your kind words. I certainly try to do my best. However, your positive attitude, spirituality and being regular in doing yoga played a great role.

All the best and warm regards

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