Pregnancy and Kapalabhati Pranayama

by Shwetha Deshkulkarni
(Bangalore, Karnataka, India)

We are trying to have a baby. If a lady has ovulated 3-4 days back and not sure about the pregnancy. My question is, is it safe to do kapalabhati pranayama at this stage?


Hello Shwetha

You have not mentioned whether you are already doing yoga or thinking of starting yoga.

Your first aim should be to achieve physical fitness by doing yoga asanas and then do pranayama. Doing more of pranayama without clearing the energy channels with yoga asanas can be harmful. There is no harm in doing kapalabhati if you are in regular practice and already doing it.

If you have not done yoga before, I will say you focus more on rhythmic deep breathing and alom vilom pranayama.

Your yoga practice must aim to exercise the muscles of abdomen, spine, back and pelvic area as a preparation for pregnancy. Gradually build up a sound yoga practice which includes asanas and pranayama. Then you can do kapalabhati as much as you feel comfortable. But do not depend on kapalabhati alone.

You can go through this url to read more about a question related to your query.
kapalbhati pranayama and conceiving process

Hope this helps..

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Jul 14, 2015
Pregnancy and Pranayama
by: Anonymous


I am planning for a baby now. I used to practice few simple yoga asanas, suryanamaskara and pranayama (brahmari, bastrika, anulom vilom). I had in between stopped this schedule for few months (as I had a missed abortion 4 months back). Now, I have restarted all of them again since a month. But then, since we are planning I again was hesitant to continue after around 12th to 14th day as I read that few yoga poses, suryanamaskara and bhastrika are better to be avoided. In a big confusion now what to do and what not.
Every month this is the problem. Is it safe to continue my schedule even after ovulation phase (after 12th day of each month) as we still will have no clue if pregnant or not.

Once pregnancy is confirmed what are the modifications that I have to make in my schedule.

Kindly help me out. Thank You.

Editors Note

You can continue with your schedule and do suryanamaskar and other pranayama except bhastrika. Once pregnancy is confirmed you can do suryanamaskar in the first trimester. However, it is advisable to do yoga with consultation of a yoga teacher once pregnancy is confirmed.

All the best and warm regards

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