Basic Yoga Questions

As a beginner you will have lot of basic yoga questions? Aim to clarify all these questions satisfactorily before you commence your yoga practice.  Be fully convinced what yoga you are doing and why you are doing it?  You need to do your study about various yoga concepts yourself if you want to build a regular yoga practice.

There are various schools of yoga.  When you start with your yoga practice, you are likely to get confused as there are always minor variations in the way asanas are taught by different people.

Therefore,  it is recommended that initially just follow beginners yoga sequence as taught by an experienced teacher. Or follow a standard book or any video/ DVD.

Learning by self study is the most difficult way to learn yoga.  This may include searching  various yoga sites, yoga videos or yoga forums for instructions on how to start yoga. At times, you may find different answers to the same question? Do not lose hope. Every indvidual is different, you may study all the  available information and chart out your own yoga path?

Basic yoga questions are the questions which arises in the mind of person keen to start yoga.  Most of the common doubts faced by yoga beginners are similar as listed below: -

  • What is yoga?
  • What you can expect from yoga?
  • What to eat and when to eat?
  • What is the fitness levels required for doing yoga?
  • How long to do yoga to get the benefits?
  • What yoga style to follow?

Some of the common questions asked by our site visitors along with the answers to these questions are listed as yoga questions and answers.

You can read this inspiring yoga story to stay motivated to do yoga.

You cannot become master of yoga in a day, it will take few months to become comfortable with yoga poses and yoga breathing.   

How can we help?

  • Go through the questions and answers listed below at the bottom of this page. You can share your experience or ask further questions.
  • Ask questions about the problems you are having with starting your yoga practice. Check back soon to view the answers. I will give my personal reply within 2-3 working days.
  • Share your interesting experiences with yoga by using the submission form as this can help other people with similar issues.
  • You can even ask add on questions to your own questions by commenting on your question page.

Important.  When you ask your question, please provide information about your age, sex, fitness levels, lifestyle  and any previous experience of yoga practice. Also mention your present health and your expectations from yoga?

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