(Seated Forward Bend Pose)
Paschimotanasana derives its name from two Sankrit words, 'Paschima'
meaning back or posterior and 'Uttana' meaning stretch out. The
or back side of the body is fully stretched in this asana.
Sit in sitting pose with both the legs stretched forward. Toes and heels are together. Place both palms on the knees.
- Now while inhaling stretch both your hands upwards towards the sky and keep your back straight.
- Exhale and start bending forward slowly, bringing your hands
towards the toes of your feet. Aim is to catch the toes with fingers of
your hands. Now bend further assisted by pulling your feet with your
- Touch your elbows on the ground and forehead should touch the knees.
- Breathe normally and try to retain this pose till such time you are comfortable.
- While inhaling come back to starting position.
- Repeat this asana four times.
- This is a difficult asana, it can be performed better with
regular practice. If your body is not flexible enough, try to bend as
far as possible. Try to catch the knees
and with regular practice your flexibility will improve. Gradually you
will be able to touch the toes.
- Do not bend your knees.
- Increases flexibility of the spine. Exercises back muscles.
- Exercises the abdominal organs.
- Cures piles and problems of the knee joints.
Yoga Poses
This asana is not advisable for people with heart trouble, back pain and high blood pressure.
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