Mastering A Yoga Pose

by Sara
(New York)


My question is, if I start one yoga pose for the first time for example bow pose. How long it will take to master it fully? Or how much pressure shall I give for the first time?


If you want to master any yoga pose it depends upon your
~ will power
~ physical fitness
~ regular practice
~ flexibility

If you are dedicated and you practice regularly then you can master any yoga pose. How long it will take depend on your body flexibility and regular practice. As a beginner, each person's body is unique and has different ability to do a particular pose. For example, some people are over weight and live a sedentary life but can do padmasana (lotus pose) with ease while some of the fit people may not be able to do this pose.

How to master a pose?

1. Initially practice the pose and hold for few seconds say 1-10 seconds depending on your strength.
2. You should practice within limits of your body. Stretching while performing a pose beyond your strength may cause injury. Stretch for a pose till your strength permits or you start feeling pain.
3. You can do 4-5 repetitions or more, provided you can do it comfortably.
4. Gradually you can increase the duration of the asana.
5. Do not get disheartened by comparing with others.

All the best.

Warm regards

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