Yoga To Improve Hearing Power

by Anonymous

Suggest some yoga to improve hearing power with proper explanation and images.

1. Inverted yoga positions like halasana, sarvanghasana, karnpeedan asana helps to improve the blood circulation in the area. For doing these asanas there must not be any inflammation or any discharge from the ears.

2. Do Bhramri pranayama.

3. Do jal neti but learn from an experienced teacher.

4. Practice shunya mudra.

Hope this helps


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Feb 19, 2015
Hearing Impaired
by: Anonymous

I am hearing impaired. I want to improve hearing just like people talking, hearing everything. Please give me this solutions.

Editors Note

Please start with a simple yoga sequence for few months without focusing on a particular pranayama or asanas. Thereafter, you can consult a yoga therapist for specific advice.

All the best.. Warm regards

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