Which Is Best Yoga Sequence For Mind And Body?

by Johnson

Can i do regularly the following yoga sequence ?
trikonasana, sirsasana, salamba sarvangasana, halasana, supta virasana, ushtrasana, urdhva dhanurasana, paschimottanasana, padma mayurasana and shavasana.

You can do the sequence you mentioned. All asanas have different effect on the body and health benefits of each of these asanas is cumulative.

Practice of asanas provides muscular strength, increases self awareness, provides relaxation, promotes balanced development of various body organs. You can include pranayama and the following asanas to your yoga sequence.
Bhujangasana, Pavanmuktasana, Shalabhasana and Markatasana

Pranayama are the yoga breathing exercises which provides 'prana' energy to our body. Pranayama aids blood circulation, promotes mental health, improves concentration, strengthens will power and results in a steady mind.

A balanced yoga sequence will depend on the following:
~ Your age and present health.
~ Time you can spend on yoga.
~ Flexibility of your body.
~ A blend of yoga asanas, pranayama and meditation.

You can have a look at the following simple yoga sequence for beginners and modify it to your requirements.
Basic Yoga Sequence

Hope This Helps

Other References
Yoga Breathing Lessons
Free Yoga Lessons

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