Suryanamaskar And Pranayama

by Prasad
(Cleveland US)

I am doing surya namaskar and pranayam for 30 days now, initially I was having very nice feeling but since last one week my head is getting heavy like hang over after finishing pranayama. Is there anything wrong I am doing?

Sequence of surya namaskar and pranayama as follows
Surya Namaskar - 12 sets
Bhasrika Pranayam - 2 sets 12 each
Kapal Bhati - 6 sets 75 inhale/exhale each set
Anulom Vilom - 2 sets 12 repeatation each set
Udgeeth Pranayam - 1 set consists 12 reputation


Your sequence seems to be satisfactory. However, your technique must be correct for various poses and pranayama. If you have learnt yoga on your own, consult a yoga teacher to ensure you are doing it correctly. Otherwise, here are some suggestions:

~ Do warm up before starting surya namaskars
~ Rest after surya namaskars for 3-5 minutes in shavasana. Also take 15-20 seconds rest after each set of bhastrika and kapalabhati pranayama.
~ After completing yoga practice, do shavasana for 3-5 minutes

For example:
~ Warm up
~ Surya Namaskar - 12 sets
~ Shavasana 3-5 minutes
~ Bhasrika Pranayam - 2 sets 12 each
(Rest for approx 15-20 seconds after each set)
~ Kapal Bhati - 6 sets 75 inhale/exhale each set
(Rest for approx 15-20 seconds after each set)
~ Anulom Vilom - 2 sets 12 repeatation each set
~ Udgeeth Pranayam - 1 set consists 12 reputation
~ Shavasana 3-5 minutes

Hope this helps

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Jul 24, 2017
Suriya namaskar. Shower, Pranayama 🙏🏼
by: Anonymous


I have found doing sun salutations with little rest followed by a warm shower (cold in uk) dress in white for kundalini Pranayama and simultaneously go into meditation works magic 🙏🏼
Om namo Gurudev namo 🙏🏼

Feb 29, 2016
Reduce Kapalbati
by: Anonymous


Your sequences are satisfactory,

Are you doing it indoors or outdoors. If the atmosphere around you is more humid or dry, then you might get headaches or dry throat.
Avoid air-conditioning. If you think the above is not the reason, try to reduce kapalbhati to 2 sets.

Hari OM

Feb 25, 2016
seqeunce problem
by: Anonymous

Hello sir I do surya namaskar first and after 2 hours I do pranayam is this sequence correct. Please help me.

Editors Note
After Suryanamaskar, take 5 minutes rest in shavasana and then do pranayama. It is not understood why you have 2 hours gap between suryanamaskars and pranayama.

Hope this helps

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