Papaya As Breakfast

by Harish Gupta

If one takes only papaya in the morning for breakfast what would be the effect?

Papaya is a complete breakfast in itself as it contain proteins, minerals and vitamins i.e calcium, phosphorous, iron and vitamin C. It is the ideal low calorie food (35 calories in 100 gm) for breakfast after a yoga practice.

Papaya is easy to digest and does not load the digestive system. The ripe papaya contains lot of fiber, prevents constipation and increases the digestive fire.

Hope this helps.

Warm regards

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Pranayam In The Noon?
by: venki

I do deep breathing, kapalabathi and anuloma viloma in the morning and evening for 20 minutes. It brightens my life. Is it ok to do these pranayams in the after noon at 12.30 noon before lunch ?

Editors Note
I am glad to know you can experience the benefits of pranayama. If you have spare time in the afternoon, there is no harm in doing pranayama.

However, I suggest that you do pranayama two times a day i.e once in the morning and once in the evening. You can consider adding yoga asanas and meditation to your yoga practice. Do can first do asanas, followed by pranayama and meditation.

With warm regards

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