Observing of Breath

by Vinod Kumar
(Chennai, India)

Sir, I am new to yoga. I don't understand or I am unable to visualize about observing breath. Please tell me the better ways I can do this observing breath technique.

Vinodkumar K


We observe breath for relaxation of the mind and body. You can do observation of breath while holding an asana, doing pranayama, sitting in a meditative posture or lying down in shavasana.

By observing of breath we mean by trying to visualise the passage of breath from our nose to our lungs while inhalation and similarly during exhalation. While inhalation visualise that pranic energy is entering your body and while exhaling visualise that stress, tension and toxins is being released by the body. Close your eyes for better concentration.

Basically observation of breath is to relax the body and improve the concentration by focusing on the breath. Whole body must be relaxed and resort to rhythmic breathing without straining your body.

Initially, you will have lot of thoughts flooding your mind. Do not attempt to change or interfere with the thought patterns. However, with some practice you will be able to relax and focus on your breath and the frequency of random thoughts will go down.

Hope this helps

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