by Natasha Gabriella Ramsaran
(Trinidad West Indies)
Sirshasana(Headstand) is my favourite asana. It is known as the "king of asanas" and is considered by many to be a panacea for countless human ills. For me it wasn't too difficult to master because of my gymnastics experience. But it has benefited me in a number of ways.
It has helped with will power, sharpness of brain and clarity of thought. It stimulates the nervous system while releasing the muscles of the neck and shoulders. For me it really ensure proper blood supply and stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands in the brain. Our growth, health and vitality depends on proper functioning of these two glands that controls the chemical balance of the body.It is a Centering,Calming and soothing pose.
I have suffered with Spondylosis for many years and it has strengthened my spine,neck,shoulders and arms. Shirshasana has helped me with respiratory problems, headaches and anxiety. And of course it looks GOOD!!!!!!