How Yoga Cured Me of Cough Sore Throat Acidity

by Vandana

I would like to bring out how yoga cured me of cough, sore throat, bad cold, abdominal cramps, gas and acidity.

I have been practicing yoga now for about 7 years. Initially, I was not so regular. But since past 4 years I have become very regular, and have reaped great rewards. I used to get awful cough and flu, with or without fever, almost always followed by a bad throat. It used to take me at least a week to recover fully. And even then, I had to be very careful, specially in winters, to clad myself fully, or I would surely suffer a bout of flu. Then followed antibiotics treatment of at least five days.

Now the severity and frequency of the onset of cold and flu, have decreased greatly. I am much relieved.

I also used to have a lot of gas and acidity problems. I tried a lot of allopathic and even homeopathic medicines, but with temporary success. Now, without any effort, my digestive problems too have been tackled by yoga and Pranayama. I am truly grateful to Yoga for having brought so much change in my physical as well as mental well being.


Editors Note

Thanks Vandana for sharing your experience with yoga. It will be great if you can share exactly which all asanas and pranayama did you practice and any special diet or precautions.

Thus we can surmise that regular practice of yoga over a period of time can cure various diseases. And that we should not worry much about a particular asana for a particular disease but follow a balanced yoga sequence.


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Apr 12, 2016
Digetion problem
by: Shiv

I am 20 Years old. I am suffering from frequent loose motion from last 2 years consulted many doctors but no relief. Loose stool is followed by no stool next day, hard for next 3-4 days and then again loose stool. This cycle is repeated every week. If I eat oily food or even milk then its sure that I will have loose stool.

I am always having mucus in my throat and sometimes in nasal cavity from childhood. I am unable to concentrate on my studies.

What is going on in my stomach? Please help.

Editors Note
You need to consult a yoga therapist for detoxification of your digestive system. Avoid foods that aggravate your problems. You may take aloe vera juice and amla juice on empty stomach. For a week, eat lot of fruits, salad or boiled vegetables and see if that helps.

All the best

Dec 11, 2013
Cough Sore Throat Acidity
by: Yoga For Gas and Acidity - Medicalyoga

Nice one, It's really very informative. always post these types of informative articles. Keep it up.

Aug 17, 2013
Additional Details By Vandana
by: Daljit

Dear Daljit

Its good to know that you are interested in having me share the kind of asanas,Pranayams that I did, because of which I reaped great benefits.

The asanas and pranayam that helped improve my digestion and cough and cold were:

Padotaanasana, Paschimottanasana,pawanmuktasana

Kapal Bhati Pranayam(for 5 minutes)...but High Blood pressure patients need to do it with care,

Bhastrika Pranayam (NOT for people suffering from
either blood pressure or heart disease, in their case,they should pursue Anulom Vilom Pranayam for at least 10-mins to upto half hour,for maximum benefit).


Editors Note
Thanks Vandana for sharing additional details. All the best.

Warm regards

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